Please login to your account on another device and restrict your cards in "Finances" tab, "Cards" section. Then, contact Customer Happiness Center via chat in the application and provide details (model, type) of stolen device, so agents will be able to block access from it.

If you are unable to login, you can always contact us as not logged in user as well. In this case we will need to verify your identity.

When you are not sure you lost your card or not, or there is on option to log in on another device, you can also pause your card by sending SMS code to:



- send SMS from any number to pause only one AION's card:

[your mobile phone number which you are using for contacting us] [your date of birth using the format yyyy-mm-dd] [last four digits of your card]


+3212345678 1980-01-01 1234


- send SMS from any number to pause all of your AION's cards:

[your mobile phone number which you are using for contacting us] [your date of birth using the format yyyy-mm-dd] 


+3212345678 1980-01-01